Round 4 - guest night (Fri, July 15)
The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.
Confirmed Players (68)
Aaron Bielawski
Abbey VandenBush
Alan Girten
Amy Roufus
Andrea Kinsel
Andrew Steinman
Andrew Teske
Angela Ott
Angela Teske
Becky Bierce
Bill Gurgul
Cathy Stepanovich
Catie Pfeifer
Cindy Davis
Cynthia Larson
Dave Pechacek
Dawn James
Debbie Dobbs
Emma Holmi
Eric Stepanovich
Frank Lisser
Gary Schickert
Gina Gurgul
Gregory Ott
Jim Pfeifer
Joan Pechacek
John Roufus
John Small
Jon Schmeling
Jonathan Kinsel
Karl Larson
Kate Hoffmann
Kathleen Zanotelli
Keith Larson
Kelly Effert
Kenneth Nelson
Kevin VandenBush
Kim Zylke-Larson
Kris Girten
Kristy Siewert
Lauren Hollandsworth
Lisa Swartzmiller
Louise Roznik
Makenzie Barton
Marcella Nelson
Marissa Geist
Mark Roznik
Matt Quandt
Maureen Small
Michael Atkinson
Michael Siewert
Mike Hoffmann
Mike Norgord
Paul Geist
Pete Markowski
Randy Sitzberger
Ron Etzel
Rosalie Lisser
Ryan Anderson
Sandi Etzel
Sarah Anderson
Shana Quandt
Sherri Schickert
Stacy Barton
Steve Bierce
Teresa Schmeling
Willie James